Minggu, 10 November 2019

Complaint Handphone Operating System Problem

Name Member :
1.      Adib Ghulam                        (20217129)
2.      Krisna Haekal                       (23217242)
3.      M. Ibnu Seina Mulyana        (23217689)
4.      Rudi Hady S.                        (25217413)

Ibnu: Good Afternoon, Excuse me.
Rudi: Good Afternoon sir, can I help you?
Ibnu: I bought yesterday new mobile phone here on Sunday, November 3, 2019, wanted to ask why my mobile can not be operated Yes sir?
Rudi: I'm sorry, can I borrow your mobile phone briefly?
Ibnu: This is my mobile phone.

Rudi: Good Sir, I check briefly, please wait Yes sir.
(10 minutes later)
Rudi: Sorry Mr, after I check this phone Android operating system that troubled Sir.
Ibnu: Ohh so, can I apply for the replacement of a new unit or just service the sir?
Rudi: If for this issue, we need 7 working days to file a complaint for the replacement of the unit or service.
Ibnu: Why is it really long up to 7 working days? If during this time, I can not communicate with my co-workers later.
Rudi: Sorry Mr, this is already the procedure of our company.
Ibnu: What? Long once until 7 days!! , I have 3 working days of the longest time, because my work depends on the phone.
Rudi: Well sir will try 3 days to finish to my supervisor. I apologize to the father of whom? Can I ask the number of fathers I can contact?
Ibnu: Good Sir, I am ibn Ini my office number 021-1234-56
Rudi: Good thank you will contact me our Company.

( 2 hours later )
Rudi: Sir can complain from customers on behalf of Ibnu, he submitted complaints because the phone is problematic, how did it proceed to complain of customers Ibnu?
Krisna: The problem is what problems with the handphone?     

Rudi: There is damage in the Android operating system Mr. Krisna.
Krisna: What kind of mobile phone is it?
Rudi: Note 10.
Krisna: Whether I will follow up the complaint to the head of the Center for decisions taken by the company whether replacing or servicing.
Rudi: But the complaints pack can not be long – long to finish within 3 days.
Krisna: Well I will ask and make decisions as soon as possible.
(A few moments later..)
Krisna: Good Afternoon, could meet with Mr. Adib as head of marketing center Banana Phone Electronics?
Adib: Noon, yes with my own, there is a complaint what Mr. Krisna in the office?
Krisna: Yes Mr There is a problem in the office, because there is a buyer do a complaint with Handphone Note 10.
Adib: What kind of complaint?
Krisna: The buyer is protesting if the new Handphone bought him 3 days ago suddenly dead and already checked in the office there is a problem with the operating system.
Adib: Does Mr. carry the damaged HP samples to be checked further in the branch office?
Krisna: This is a sample of Mr. Adib.
Adib: Okay I take it first, 2 days more results can be name and will be discussed in the meeting later.
Krisna: Well I will return 2 more days by bringing some staff to discuss this problem.
(2 days later)
Adib: Good Morning Fellows.
Krisna & Rudi: Good Morning Mr Adib....
Adib: Okay we start the meeting to discuss the problems and complaints of buyers yesterday submitted by the head of the shop Mr. Krisna.
Krisna: So the point of the problem of Handphone damage is what Mr?
Adib: Yes very true cause of damage Handphone caused due to fault assembling the operating system on the production part.
Krisna: So what is the thing I should do to make the buyer satisfied Mr?
Adib: Is the yesterday in the purchase still there is a warranty for this phone?
Krisna: According to our sales that serve yesterday still there is an active warranty.
Adib: Okay if so pull back the buyer's Handphone and replace it with the new one while still giving warranty as before, but do not forget to note the cost of losses caused by this problem in the financial part.
Krisna: Okay good will I execute Mr.
Adib: Well, before concluding this meeting I have to tell all of you, if the product for this Handphone Note 10 Our company has a very large market objectivity with target sold as much as 1000 hp sold for each branch office. Whether for a branch Mr. Krisna can do that?

Krisna: For that to be cultivated, but the sales target who and whether the problem like this will not be repeated again with the target sold as much as Mr. Adib??
Adib: The sales Target for this Handphone is the middle and upper class. For such problems will I coordinate again to the production part to be more thorough in the Assembly so that such problems will not be extended again.
Krisna: Okay good Mr Will I try as much as possible.
Adib: Good and do not forget to be contacted back buyers who encountered the problem yesterday.
Krisna : Good Mr will I perform.
Adib: Okay reply so close to my meeting here.
(5 hours later)
Krisna: Rudi tried to call back the buyer yesterday if the buyer's HandPhone will be replaced with a new one.
Rudi: Well I performed Mr, but for a warranty how does Mr krisna?
Krisna: for warranty provide as prior warranty due to this fault of the factory.
Rudi: Good Mr. Krisna.
(10 minutes later)
Rudi: Hallo, can talk to Mr. Ibnu?
Ibnu: Yes, I here. With whom I speak?
Rudi: Oh Yes, I am Rudi from the office Banana Electronic, I want to give information about Mr. Complaint about Handphone damage that after we discussed, we took the decision to change the handphone Mr, for replacement can be taken starting today.
Ibnu: Well, I will take tomorrow the goods. Thanks for the information.
Rudi: Thank you again, we apologize for the damage to our products.